Well here it is. Its the VW Golf MK5 'R32' - probably the most sought after model in its series! Despite the criticism, when one of these drive past you KNOW you wanna hear that sound ;-) Its addictive! The noise they make gets EVERYBODY'S attention (sound clip below).
https://www.facebook.com/tuneitupuk/videos/vb.669721874/10153096726711875/?type=3&theater The racket these things make under load (in gear) is amazing! I don't find the power overly impressive, but it is the delivery and linearity of a Naturally Aspirated engine that wins me over. The MK5 GTi (TFSI) that I recently sold is a crazy car. High power, lots of torque, but it gets to the point where its all in your face all the time. N/A engines are less absurd if you aren't in the mood for 'all of that' stuff. I am not sure if this is the type of car I could own.. Fuel economy is abysmal to say the least. Its actually really bad. I can see why VW axed these cars in favour of Stratisfied (Direct) Injection motors. These things DRINK petrol like there's no tomorrow! I get better economy in a Porsche 911 GT3 and thankfully, this car is for sale so I wont have to bear its taste in V Power much longer. Do I like the car..? Yes.. Well, Yes and No. The way it drives is pretty cool. Its funny having a 4WD Golf to throw at roundabouts - as it goes against everything I'd previously taught myself in the FWD models. Does this car need two K03 Turbo's and two Bosch MED9.1 ECU's..? ERM YES!! <- that would make this a crazy car! Then I would buy one. 100% The Chassis Not half bad! It sits perfectly as I meander along the A12 twisties before the Dual Carriageway towards Ipswich. Like the other Golf's it isn't the most taught, in comparison with a Ferrari for example, but when you give these cars stick EVERYTHING comes alive! The car is agile and very pointy if you know how to work them. My friend Aiden who bought my MK5 GTi explained how he drives the car on corners. Everything he said I agreed with 100%. You have to understand this chassis to get the best from it. The Body It looks like a Golf. I've seen too many of these - as I'm sure you have. Its just a Golf. The end. The Throttle Hmm.. at part throttle its a dream! Responsive, feels as though there's plenty to come. Feathering and cruising makes me want to wring its neck constantly! It is an inviting experience. Sadly, when I do put the pedal to the floor it is somewhat a disappointing event. This car is a let down. What makes it more eerie is the fact the car has been remapped (not by myself) and it still feels bad. I suppose if you are on a track and want to exploit the car on corners it is great, but the power delivery in a straight line puts me off advising anybody wanting to own this car. Sorry. This thing is gutless. The Exhaust The noise is delicious! As I previously stated the car has a nack for making me want to rev its tits off! The 'V6' sound is one that many love - but sadly the car isn't going forwards in a hurry. Going back to the chassis, it feels like a Nissan GTR (R35) in a way. Yes.. the needle is going up but I can't really feel anything. Making a nice noise is lovely - but with no substance to back it up I quickly gave up on driving this thing. I took the car straight back to the owner and have no further comment on this. Nicholas Lawrence //ON CARS [email protected] |